Day 3 in New Orleans

Louisiana State Museum, the City Park today. Nothing much. We are still coughing and weak. The hot boiled shrimp at dinner (Samuel’s Blind Pelican) was yummy but definitely didn’t help our throats. Thanks Felix’s for the fabulous jambalaya and New Orleans bread pudding (which has a similar texture as my mom’s homemade fish ball when you cutting through with a spoon ^_^).  Continue reading “Day 3 in New Orleans”

Day 2–New Orleans (Swamp and Plantation Tours)

The swamp and plantation tours had been recommended by my friends multiple times, so we took our combination tour with the Cajun Pride. Thumbs up for all our seasoned guides. I should definitely have asked them their secrets in explain things so clearly and concisely. It was raining on and off, so sorry for the exposure of pictures.  Continue reading “Day 2–New Orleans (Swamp and Plantation Tours)”

First Day in New Orleans

I still cannot believe there is no direct light from San Antonio to New Orleans and the air ticket is $800 +. This puts me, a poor postdoc, to the situation of taking the overnight bus with no choice. The ten-hour bus ride was even more miserable with the fever one day before and the sore throat coming after. It is under this condition I acquired my first impression of New Orleans. (Sorry for the quality of pictures, my brain is still frying from the heat.) Continue reading “First Day in New Orleans”